DIC is the nodal agency of the district responsible for planning and implementing the programme for the promotion of commerce and Industries in general and Micro, Small, Medium industries (MSME) in the district in particular.
The DIC Has promotional as well minor regulatory role. As promotional body, DIC provides various services such as Acknowledging the Entrepreneurs Memorandum for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME) Proposed / Existing units (Part – I, Part-II) Escort services, Single Window Clearances, Entrepreneurship development, Generating Self Employment, Providing Financial assistance to MSEs, Registration of Cottage and Handicrafts Industries, etc.
- Major Activities
- Regulatory Activities
Relief under Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertakings Act 1993. (RIFC-MSE Councils)
Allotment of Scarce raw material, Inspection for denatured spirit (DL-2) License
Implementation of Quality Control Order under BIS Act (15 Electrical Items, Including House hold appliances)
Functional Register for all the Industrial Co-operative in the District. 3 Industrial Co-operative are registered with the district.
Providing Escort Services
Acknowledging the Entrepreneurs Memorandum for Micro, Small, Medium, Enterprises (Part –I, Part-II)
Single Window Clearance – To alleviate the plight of Small Scale Entrepreneurs, in obtaining clearances for set up their industries, from various Departments / Board / Statutory authorities.
Registration and promotion of Cottage and Handicrafts Industries.
Registration and promotion of Industrial Co-operative Societies.
Identification of Industry and preparation of project profile, financial assistance from financial Institutions / Banks, Selection and purchase of machinery etc.
To register Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum (IEM) for the SMEs who are in the process of becoming large scale Industries.
Creating awareness on the policies and programmes on industrial development of the State / Central Governments, through seminars and dissemination meets.
Sanction and disbursement of subsidies viz, State Capital Subsidy, Special Capital Subsidy, Employment Generator Subsidy, Generator Subsidy, Women Enterprises Subsidy, Power Tariff Subsidy etc. and other incentives. Implementation of Back ended interest subsidy for technology up gradation / Modernisation / ISO certification etc.,
Implementation of centrally sponsored schemes like Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Progamme (PMEGP)
- Nucleus Cell to collect and compile IIP data, frame list of MSMEs etc.
- Market Development Assistance to Coir Industrial Co-operative Societies.
Development of Rural Clusters under National Programme for Rural Industrialization. (Small Industries Cluster Development programme)
- Conducting sample Surveys.
- Industrial Licenses
- Industrial Parks
Back ended interest subsidy to small scale units for the term loan obtained for Technology upgradation / Modernisation / ISO Certification / R&D.
Promotion of Agro Based / Food Processing Industries in all the 18 Blocks of the District. Development and promotion of cottage and handicrafts industries.Identification and Declaration of sick units and extension of assistance. |